




was /were + doing,例如:

I was watching TV at 9 o'clock last night.

at 9 o'clock last night是时间点

They were playing football all afternoon.

all afternoon是时间段


at 8 o'clock last night, this time yesterday等。例如:

I was having lunch at home this time yesterday.


At that time she was writing a book.



39. sound+形容词 听起来……The song sounds beautiful.

40. not…any more(句末)=no more(can, be动词后行为动词前)不再……I can’t help you any more=I can no more help you. He doesn’t go there any more=He no more goes there.

41. a waste of time/money时间/金钱的浪费 It’s a waste of time if you go on like this.

42. waste time doing sth.浪费时间做某事 Don’t waste time doing anything hopeless.

43. many times 很多次I read the text many times.

44. would like sth. =want sth想要某物I would like some help.

45. would like to do sth.想做某事 I would like to visit the Great Wall.

46. would like sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事I would like him to help me.

47. discuss sth =talk about sth.讨论……

48. go on a trip=make a trip=have a trip=take a trip旅行,后接介词to的短语表示去向.

I am going on a happy trip to Japan next Monday.

49. go on 常与旅游,远足,野餐,航海等名词连用,表示“去,进行”

50. go on a picnic=have a picnic举行野餐

51. go on a hike= go hiking去远足

52. go on 还有“继续”的意思,后接v.ing After a short rest, I go on writing the letter.

53. go+v.ing. 表示去从事某一活动。

54. go boating/shopping/swimming/hiking/skiing/skating/dancing/sailing/climbing

55. do some +v,ing 表示“干,做……”

56. do some reading/shopping/cleaning/washing/writing/running/speaking

57. go/ walk/run the wrong way走错路

58. be good at sth =do well in sth.擅长于…… He is good at English=He does well in English.

59. be good at doing sth,擅长于做…He is good at singing/swimming/drawing/playing football.

60. be good to sb.=be friendly to sb=be kind to sb.对某人友好. Our teacher is good to us.

61. be good for sth.对……有好处,有益 Taking a walk after supper is good for your health.

62. on a trip在旅游中。类似表达:on holiday,在度假 on a visit在访问

63. have problems doing sth.=have trouble/difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难Do you have problems finishing the work in two hours?

64. be far from…离……远The moon is far from the earth.

65. trip over 被……绊倒She often trips over her shoes.

66. hurry up!=be quick!快点,表催促 Hurry up! Or you will be late.

67. hurry to +地名=go/come to…in a hurry匆忙赶往He hurries to school=He goes to school in a hurry.

68. hurry off匆忙离去 He hurries off to look after the man.

69. hurry home/there匆忙回家/到那里

70. be/feel tired觉得劳累

71. be /feel tired from因……感到疲倦 Are you tired from such a long walk?

72. be tired of 对……感到厌倦 I am tired of reading this kind of book.

73. on the top of在……顶部 There is a bird on the top of the building.

74. go to a party去参加晚会 I am going to a birthday party tomorrow.

75. the day after tomorrow后天

76. be the first(one)to do sth. 第一个做……He is the first student to get to school every day.

77. the coming field trip即将到来的郊外旅行

78. have a fun field trip愉快的郊外旅行

79. hike to the top of the mountain徒步走上山顶

80. put…in order按正确的顺序 Please put the sentences in order.

81. lots of=a lot of许多

82. too many太多,后接可数名词的复数。He has too many books in his room.

83. too much 太多,后接不可数名词。He drinks too much coke every day.

84. much too 太,很,非常,后接形容词。The box is much too heavy.

85. in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春/夏/秋/冬。“在四季”不加介词。

86. be free=be not busy=have time . I have time today=I am free today.

87. be free to do sth.有空做某事,随意做某事. You are free to go to the park or go to the zoo.


1. Welcome back to school!欢迎返校!

2. have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心We have fun talking with Mr. Green.

3. make fun of取笑,捉弄 It’s wrong to make fun of the old people.

4. call one’s name 点名 The teacher is calling the students’ names.

5. on time 准时,按时 He always comes to school on time.

6. with one’s best wishes 致以最美好的祝愿

7. Best wishes to you for Teachers’ Day.致以教师节最美好的'祝愿

8. It doesn’t matter.没有关系

9. wish sb.… 祝愿某人……(后常接名词)。We wish you a happy New Year!

10. wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事I wish you to be a teacher.

11. Thanks for+n./v.ing.因某事向某人致谢Thanks for teaching us so well.

12. give a talk做报告 Mr. Green is going to give us a talk on English study.

13. have a talk听报告 We are going to have a talk in the hall this afternoon.

14. think about考虑,思考 He is thinking about going to Japan for a holiday.

15. think of 想到,想起 We should think more of others.

16. what to say. 动词不定式可以接在where, how, when, which, who等疑问词后,构成短语。

I don’t know where I shall go.=I don’t know where to go.

Please tell me how I can do the work.=Please tell me how to do the work.

17. have an idea, have some ideas有主意

18. I have no idea=I don’t know不知道

19. the difference between…and…与…之间的不同点

20. given name=first name名字full name全名

21. be different from 与……不同be the same as 与……相同The weather in Beijing is different from that in Australia=The weather in Beijing is not the same as that in Australia.

22. the meaning of… ……的意思What’s the meaning of this word?=What does this word mean?=What do you mean by this word?

23. be important to sb. 对某人很重要English is important to us.比较:It’s important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语很重要。

24. be short for简称,缩写式 TV is short for Television.

25. call…for short 简称为We call Television TV for short.

26. be/feel sorry for sb. 为某人感到难过I feel sorry for you.

27. be/feel sorry for sth./doing sth. 为(做)某事感到后悔/抱歉I am sorry for being late.

28. be sorry to do sth.因做某事很难过I am sorry to hear that.用于听到坏消息表示同情。

29. be sorry that +主谓句。因某事而感到后悔I am sorry that I am late.

30. say sorry to sb. 向某人道歉You should say sorry to your teacher.

31. be afraid of sb./sth/doing sth. 害怕某人/某事/做某事I am afraid of climbing trees.

32. be afraid to do sth不敢去做某事 She is afraid to go out at night.

33. be afraid that+主谓句。 恐怕…… I am afraid that I can’t help you.

34. only a little 仅有一点点I know only a little English.

35. only a few仅有几个The farm is only a few kilometers away.

36. know a lot about…了解很多关于……的情况

37. make sb. sth=make sth. for sb.为某人制作……类似词组有:buy/mend/cook/grow sb. sth=buy/ mend/cook/grow sth. for sb.为某人购买/修理/烹调/种植某物


pass/give/ show/teach/tell sb. sth=pass/give/show/teach/tell sth. to sb.

38. sound like 听起来像……It sound like a bird.
